Leonidas Kavakos
International Violin
& Chamber Music Masterclass
March 15, 16 & 17, 2024

The Musical Horizons Conservatory proudly presents "Leonidas Kavakos International Violin Masterclass & Chamber Music Workshop" in Athens, Greece
at the Athens Academy Building.

The Masterclass is open to professionals as well as young talented musicians from around the world.

The previous years musicians from Japan, USA, England, Italy, Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, Armenia, Mexico, Austria, Belgium and many more countries from around the globe, visited Greece either as Active Participants of the Masterclass or simply as its Audience.

The duration of the Masterclass is three days and each Active Participant receives one lesson with Leonidas Kavakos as well as a free 3-day pass.

Masterclass dates: March 15, 16 & 17, 2024.

Study with Leonidas Kavakos

One selected Active Participant by Mr. Kavakos will have the amazing opportunity to study once per month for a whole year with Leonidas Kavakos, all expenses provided by #DakAPP.

Collaboration with #DakAPP

DakAPP is collaborating with the Leonidas Kavakos Masterclass.

"DakApp gives the possibility of having dozens of masterclasses with several of the best soloists and teachers in the classical music scene at your fingertips. There is an extensive catalogue of high-level musicians that make it easy for you to access many of the most prominent and important pieces of music in history, from the Baroque period to modern-day."
All lessons are being filmed and some of them will be chosen for online access.
Active Participants upon their Application Submission, agree to the terms and conditions of DakApp*. 

Conditions of Participation

The Violin Masterclass & Chamber Music Workshop is open to high level instrumentalists and Chamber Music Ensembles from Music Academies, Conservatories and Universities around the world. There is no age limit.